Since the early 1930’s the Halifax Humane Society’s only mission has been to protect animals from cruel, neglectful, and exploitative treatment. The organization is a 501(c)(3) public charity serving the animals and people of Volusia County, including the beach communities of Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange, Ponce Inlet and New Smyrna Beach. Today, the Halifax Humane Society is headquartered in the Lohman Pet Adoption Center, 2364 LPGA Blvd., Daytona Beach. The Halifax Humane Society also operates the Redinger Spay and Neuter Clinic at 600 Mason Rd., Daytona Beach, and the Halifax Humane Society Thrift Store at 385 S Yonge St, Ormond Beach. Combining all programs, the Halifax Humane Society cares for upwards of 15,000 dogs and cats each year.
Core Programs
Animal Sheltering: Provides safe refuge and care for displaced, orphaned, sick or injured animals.
- Animal Admissions (relinquishment of owned pets by appointment, stray intake any time)
- Pet Adoptions (Lohman Pet Adoption Center, PetSmart, Petco, Pet Supermarket, Cat Café adopt about 6,000 animals each year)
- Safety Net (intake prevention through pet food pantry, vet care, training assistance) z Lost & Found (community-wide implementation of Petco Love Lost technology)
- Animal Care (husbandry required to care for 350 pets in the shelter daily
Behavior & Training: Teaches shelter pets manners and skills to adapt in a new home.
- Open Paw Level I & II (forming positive associations, reward training, kennel skills)
- Open Paw Level II & III (basic obedience and real life skills) z Behavior Modification (project dogs / project cats)
- Prison Dog Training Program (offsite dog training at Tomoka Correctional Institution)
Veterinary Services: Ensures the health and well-being of sheltered animals
- Shelter Medicine Program (preventative care, treating illness / injury, spay & neuter for shelter pets, connection to University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine)
- Redinger Spay / Neuter Clinic (low cost spaying & neutering for public pets, sterilize about 9,000 animals each year)
- Foster Home Program (volunteers care for neonates, post-surgery, and behavior needs in homes)
- Emergency Medicine and Specialty Care (partnerships with Veterinary Emergency Center of East Volusia and Allied Veterinary Specialists)
Community Engagement: Raises funds and awareness, builds relationships to foster growth.
- Fundraising & Marketing (donor relations, major gifts, grants, etc.)
- Community Relations (in-person and social media)
- Volunteer Program z Thrift Store
Sean Hawkins, CAWA, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer